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What is CEDEFOP ? 



The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP), a decentralized agency of the European Union, aims to support the European Commission, Member States, and social partners in developing and implementing European policies on vocational education and training.

Initially conceived as a tool to assist in policy decision-making, this agency has developed comprehensive expertise in VET within the European Union. It has thus developed indicators and regularly monitors developments in VET policies at national and European levels.

What resources are available for apprenticesmobility ? 



By producing reports, analyses, and online-accessible databases, CEDEFOP centralizes information concerning VET programs throughout Europe. It provides quick access to clear and detailed information on apprenticeship programs in various European countries, thus facilitating the circulation of information necessary for planning and implementing apprentices’ mobility.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of CEDEFOP resources that could be useful for mobility coordinators.


Mobility Scoreboard, ranking policies, structures, and practices by country according to 14 indicators.


It gathers essential information for preparing mobility or establishing new partnerships abroad. The indicators include mobility quality, recognition of learning outcomes, available scholarship programs, as administrative and institutional issues in each country. This database can effectively assist VET professionals in assessing the feasibility of mobility in different European countries.


A European database on apprenticeship schemes in 30 countries.


This database offers systematic comparisons by country and system to understand the specificities of each country in terms of apprenticeship. It promotes transparency and information sharing across EU countries.


A database on financing apprenticeships, covering over 20 countries.


Essential for understanding the various financing mechanisms for apprenticeship programs across Europe, this database provides valuable assistance on available funding sources, allocated funding levels, subsidy policies, and public-private partnerships supporting apprenticeship programs.


A dashboard of European VET policy, tracking EU and Member States’ objectives.


Providing a broader perspective, this resource allows tracking of the European Union’s and Member States’ objectives in education and vocational training. By providing a clear and updated overview of policies, initiatives, and progress made in each European country, this dashboard keeps stakeholders informed of political developments and trends in VET at the European level.


By providing precise data on European apprenticeship programs, these resources offer VET professionals a broad and in-depth understanding of the various apprenticeship systems in place across Europe. This approach facilitates decision-making regarding apprentices’ mobility. Moreover, by highlighting the challenges and opportunities inherent in these programs, CEDEFOP’s resources assist vocational training institutions in designing more effective and tailored mobility programs to meet the needs of their learners.